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Monday, March 30, 2020
Nitesh Solutions Unlimited Essay Example
Nitesh Solutions Unlimited Paper Nits is disturbed by certain situations that have hampered his relation with Mean since his joining Solutions Unlimited He is faced with three options namely; he can work to mend his relation with Mean, leave the company and search for Other prospects Or reach out to the top management. These options have to be evaluated on what impact they would have in his career and at the workplace. Staying at the organization and working towards mending relations with Mean seems to be the best option. But he should also accept his part in creating such situations at the first place. Word count:100 Contents 1. Situation Analysis. 2. Problem 2 3. Options Criteria for Evaluation to Options. Recommend Plan . 4 Nits @ Solutions unlimited- Decision Report Situational Analysis 4 7, Action Nits has a good academic background and he was admired by his seniors as well his colleagues in his previous job. But after working for two years in a consultancy firm in Jackhammers, he sought to work in a different city and so he applied for Solutions Unlimited through his friend, Arrived. Arrived and Vivid had told him that Solutions Unlimited would give him a good environment to work n and the informal culture here would make his work enjoyable and would also provide him with many opportunities to grow. The chain of events that took place since he joined the organization have now made Nitwits staying in the organization difficult as his relations with Mean and Mr.. Algal have turned sour. He was not satisfied with the initial offer given to him and that led to Mean being given a mouthful by Mr.. Kapok, Also there were issues regarding the payment of severance to his previous employers and his spouses travel. We will write a custom essay sample on Nitesh Solutions Unlimited specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Nitesh Solutions Unlimited specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Nitesh Solutions Unlimited specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer According to the companys policy only 50% of the severance pay was done and here was no policy to pay for spouses travel. This led to Nits being put in a bad light in from of Mr.. Algal. Even though he got opportunities to participate in various projects but he was not allowed to work properly by Mean. For instance he was not allowed to go to New Zealand with Mr.. Kapok and also he was told that he would not be needed for the project from Korea as the scope had changed. He was also taunted by Mr.. Algal and Mean when they came to know that he was working closely with the MD. All these events have disturbed him as he didnt want any bad blood between anyone in the workplace. But all these things place in the first place owing to many flaws in Solutions unlimited and also by Nits_ Even though he had experience from two organizations he was careless and unprofessional while negotiating the salary with Vent. He also believed when Vent said that his severance pay and also his Wifes travel pay would be done; he didnt take any written confirmation from him. He was careless enough to lose the email. There was no proper Structure in the organization. There were no Director and Associate Director for Human Resources, and Mean and Vent were quite inexperienced in the organization. The policies were not communicated to Nits when he joined and so there was dispute regarding payment of severance. Recently his work has been appreciated by the CEO and Mannish, He was asked by Mean to go to Nagger to finalist the details of the project he was involved in and also handle the project. This has given an opportunity to Nits to introspect and think about his future course of action, Problem Statement The problem facing Nits is what course of action he should take after coming trot Nagger. He is faced with the dilemma of whether to work towards building good relation with his peers in the organization or search for better prospects elsewhere. Options l. Nits should work hard towards removing the bad blood between himself and Mean and concentrate on building a good future in Solutions Unlimited. 2. Nits should leave the organization and search of better prospects elsewhere. 3. Nits should take the matter to Mannish and let them know how he is being treated and ask for necessary steps to be taken. Criteria for Evaluation The options need to be evaluated such that they satisfy the following criteria: 1. Impact on Nitwits career: the course Of action should be such that his career does not take a downfall. 2. Impact at the workplace: the course of action should improve his experience at workplace rather than degrade it. Evaluation Of Options 1. Staying in the organization: a. Nitwits work is admired and his experience is appreciated by his seniors at the company. He has been given the responsibility of handling the project he was working in. If he can stop complaining and take proper steps towards improving the relations between Mean and himself, then he will have lesser problems to worry about. His impression in front of Mannish is very good and is he continues to work hard then his career will take a great leap. B. When his relationship with Mean is mended, he will automatically come in the good books to Mr.. Algal. Eventually the things that used to disturb him will go away and he will be happy with his career, 2. Leaving the organization: a. Leaving the company on bad terms will surely hamper his career. The feedback from the previous employers will create a bad image, This will affect his future prospects and his career growth. B. Provided he gets a job elsewhere, his revises image will do him no help in front of his peers and seniors. He will face difficulty securing better projects and this will add more to his situation. 3. Taking matters to the top management: a. Taking matters to Mannish may help in certain ways to review the internal policies but this will bring further create cracks in his relation with Mean and Mr.. Algal. This would create more problems in his career and he would lose trust among many seniors in the organization. B. This will not improve his conditions in his workplace and he will create more enemies due to his high-handedness. Recommendations recommend that Nits should stay in the organization and work hard to build a better relationship With Mean and Mr.. Algal. Action Plan Nits, first and foremost should identify how he was also partly responsible in creating such situations in the first place. Rather than hoping that things should work out, he should approach Mean and have a talk about how things have led to such acerbic relation between them and work out their differences. He should accept his wrongdoings and also bring out the fact that policies also need to be reviewed so that such situations dont crop up again.
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